Location: Mountain Point, Virgin Gorda
I honestly cannot believe that it is day 10! As I look around the cockpit at the crew of Squeakybrat, I see a group of 2 young adults who have grown together as one family We have learned how to sail, how to dive, how to cook on a boat for 15 mouths, and so much more! It has been an outstanding ten days, and as a staff we have decided that this group is one of the best we have worked with. Today every single shipmate sailed the boat. Sofia even docked us at Marina Cay to pick up fuel and water. Everyone, including the director Mike, was impressed. Yesterday we had a really great rotation day at Mountain Point. Sam showed us his expert Pico skills and even taught Francesca and Annabel how to dinghy sail. AJ and Elias took a Pico out, but could not keep up with the speed of Sam and Ethan! The Vega’s also did their first open water dive yesterday. We saw a few stingrays and lots of beautiful Caribbean fish. Everyone had a great time! I took the Barracudas on their first night dive, where we saw a Spanish lobster and a huge barracuda. James, AJ and Elias have become quite the advanced divers. I am really impressed with their skills underwater. We have had many dance parties in the cockpit of Squeaky B, and today the whole crew broke out in song when Taylor Swift came on the radio. Kate and Arie sang along to Blank Space- fun was had by all! The boys finished a complete deck wash led by Ian and our #1 deckie, Jackson. As a crew we have grown together, learned a lot and conquered fears. I remember the first few days when some of us were afraid to use the winches. Today, Ariela, Sofia, Annabel and Katie hoisted the sails without any help from the staff! We could not be happier with this crew of Squeaky B!