Location: West End, Tortola

It’s hard to believe we’re on the dock here in West End again, where we started a mere 20 days ago. We have come so far not only around the British Virgin Islands territory but as a crew as well. We now have twelve extremely competent sailors, twelve skilled divers, and twelve close friends.

During the second half of this trip, we have gotten to dive on of the most famous shipwrecks around, we have put our sailing skills to the test and competed in two races (one of which we even placed second). Not only have we randomly launched into dance parties while doing clean-up, but we have also watched the sunset on the beach and enjoyed a fabulous beach barbecue. We even went and visited the capital of the BVI’s, Road Town.

So many amazing memories and adventures we’ve shared together. It’s sad to realize our time has come to an end, but our legacy as a crew will live on in history as one of the most epic crews of Ka Ou Fe ever!!!!!