Location: Saba
We arrived in Saba at 7:00 am, marking the end of our first-night sail! The last watch team of Sophie, Miranda, and Alex moored the boat, and then everyone jumped in bed and got the chance to sleep in. At 9 am, Johnathan and Alex prepared French toast with Nutella and apples! Then Alex, Noah, and I parted ways with the rest of our boat mates to join some of our sister boats, Shape Up, to go snorkeling. Meanwhile, Miranda, Johnathan, Sophie, Ana, and Audrey went scuba diving. Both groups saw turtles, and Sophie says they are “literally amazing.” We all met up back at the boat and ate macaroni and cheese. While cleaning up, the freshie of the day, Audrey, dropped a sponge, but Alex managed to jump in and grab it. After this, we were well prepared when Benzi also dropped a sponge. Ana and Benzi jumped right in the dinghy and, with help of a neighboring boat, brought it back safely. After that, the rest of the dishes crew finished flawlessly, and by 6:30, they were done. We ended the night with a Lifeworks talk (leadership skills and group bonding), then ate brownies on the bow.