Location: Great Harbor, Peter Island
On this fine and beautiful morning, the crew woke up around 8 to an exciting oatmeal breakfast. While that happened, dishie pit did the dishes, and the group had some conversations. After they got back at 9:30, we prepared for our first activity, Man Overboard Drills. We left at 10, sailed between the islands, and began the drills. Matty P demoed for us and we began. I went first, followed by Adnan, Carson, Zoe, Peter, Claire, Z, Jack, Dasha and finally Sloane. During the drills, if we made a mistake or did something well, Sela’s musical choice was spot on. Greg (our fender) slipped a lot and all of us had a turn saving him, some people took longer or did worse than others but we wont elaborate further on that. We finished around one, sailed to an anchorage, and had Mac n Cheese, thanks to Jack and Z’s cooking. We stayed for an hour and went back to where we stayed the night last night. When we got back, we prepared for water sports, and Matty P drove us around. Group 1 consisted of Dasha, Adnan, Sloane, and myself, while Group 2 had Carson, Z, Claire, and Zoe. Dasha, Sloane, Carson, Z, Claire, Zoe, and I all did knee-boarding while Adnan went rogue and did wakeboarding. Peter read for a bit, and Jack got dropped off at Gap Year for a couple of hours. He talked to his old group because they both opted out of water sports. While we did water sports, Sela prepared Franks and Beans, which were cut hotdogs, rice, beans, and cornbread. After eating, we “played” a game of Squeeze and got ready for our VHF test.