Location: Mountain Point, Virgin Gorda

Today was an excellent day! We woke up to burritos for breakfast. Then we sailed from Gorda Sound to Mountain Point. After that, we had a sailing lecture where we learned about sailing stuff like the points of sail. Then we went over to Sambamba to do some man overboard drills where we throw a fender, and we have to rescue it as if it was a person. Then we came back to Squeakybrat to get some lunch. Today we had incredible Tuscan white bean soup made the chefs Sophia and Ethan. After that, we went diving. The Vega’s went on their second dive doing some skills. The Carina’s and Barracuda’s went boat diving. It was really fun, and all Carina’s and Barracuda’s are getting boat diving certifications. Then we went waterskiing, wakeboarding, and kneeboarding, which was very exciting. Then we started cooking dinner, which was risotto. Just before dinner, Mike came to the boat and played a game to get to know each other better. We had a wonderful dinner with Mike. After dinner, the Barracudas went on their first-night dive while the Vega’s took their final exam.