Location: Mountain Point, Virgin Gorda
Heyy everyone! I’m Aria, and I’m skipper for the day. We woke up bright and early at 7, had a quick cereal breakfast, and then left Mountain Point and set sail for our first dive site. We worked on our boat dive knowledge review and then got our gear ready for our first dive of the day at Chimneys. Alanna, Kellen, Lily, Avery, Riley, and I were in Megan’s group, and Brie, Hanna, Matt, Cahan, Henry, and Charley were with Jake. After yet another inspirational debrief from Jake, we hopped in the water. The dive was so cool definitely one of the best dives I’ve ever been on and my fav of the trip so far, we swam around coral and then went through a few really cool swim throughs and got many good vids. We also practiced our boat diving skills and buddy communication, so it’s safe to say we are pros now. After our dive, we broke down our kits and chilled out for a bit before sailing over to our next dive spot.
Many of us took naps and tanned on the hard top while others worked on our underwater naturalist books for our specialties. Kellen and Cahan were so locked in that they finished all of their specialty books. We did a quick sail to the next dive spot and set up gear again. Hanna, Riley, Avery, and I all wore our new buff tube tops from Spanish Town on the dive, and Matt, Cahan, and Henry also rocked buffs. After very inspirational and impactful quotes, we all hopped in the water. During this dive, the instructors were chilling out at the bottom, but we did descent, navigation, ascent, and safety stops just with our buddies. We swam through this cool rope tunnel thing and then swam over to the shark planes, where we ran into everyone else. This dive was really cool.
There were three small planes that were made to look like sharks. We took many pics and vids, but unfortunately, when, Riley, Lily, and Avery did a swim-through the plane, we all got stung by fire coral, we trouped through the dive and finished strong. After the second dive, we sailed back to Mountain Point for the night and chilled for a bit before we all got to learn how to drive the little dinghy taught by the fabulous Megan. The first group out was Hanna, Riley, Avery, and Alanna. Then Brie, Charley, Lily, and Henry went, and lastly, Cahan, Matt, and Kellen went out. We practiced steering, speed, and what to do in a man overboard and just drove around for fun. When we were out there, another boat was also doing dinghy school, and we rode over their wake and tried to race, but we lost miserably due to our slow sunsail. We all got back on the boat and took ocean showers while the chefs Hanna and Cahan cooked up some delicious garden burgers. Now, the dishie pit is in full swing, and we are watching an amazing sunset. After we are all cleaned up, we are gonna potentially do a fashion show to pick out our fits for the Leverick Bay BBQ tomorrow, and we are also doing lifeworks, which is one of my favorite things where we all get to talk and bond as a group. Another amazing day in the BVI!