Location: The Bight, Norman Island

Day 19: how the days have gone by so quickly. It feels as though just yesterday we were learning how to properly clean a boat, while now it’s just an every day reaction. After doing this, we went for our last swim on the trip. After our final swim, we motored over to Road Town where we had a big group lunch. After lunch, we rushed to get snacks for our final days at sea. When finished we boarded the boat and sailed back to where we first ever sailed to, The Bight. From there, we had dinner, which was somewhat of a garlic disaster. We also had our last squeeze at sea. During our squeeze, we reminisced and shed some tears. After dinner, we were assigned to write a little letter to each person on the boat. These letters have a certain meaning to the people at ActionQuest and to be a part of it was truly meaningful. Today was an amazing day and while I’m happy about tomorrow I’m also sad because that will be our last full day together as a family.