Location: Great Harbor, Peter Island

The day started off well with Carolyn allowing us to sleep in before heading over to the wreck of the Rhone. All were excited to dive on the amazing site, but channeled that excitement into focus to study for our sailing exams. Once we arrived, the advanced sailors took their VHF exams and the beginners took their final exam for the crew certification. We later received the good news that we all passed our tests! However the other advanced sailors and I still need to take our final exam to become flotilla skippers. After our test, we went over to the wreck of the Rhone to relax and enjoy a dive. Heidi, Jack, Felix and I set up our dive gear and giant strode off the boat into the wavy ocean. On our dive, we swam through part of the sunken ship and saw lots of amazing fish! Our group even saw three huge eagle rays and a baby sea turtle! Sadly, our dive ended and we caught a dinghy ride back to Bella to swim before we took a hike on Salt Island. After arriving on the island, we paid our respects to the buried passengers of the Rhone, then trekked up the hill to an amazing cliff with views. We snapped some great pictures and boarded Bella to come back to Peter Island for the night. This was probably one of the best days of AQ with an amazing dive and hike! We are currently making breakfast for dinner while studying for our sailing test. Wish us luck!