Location: Great Harbor, Peter Island

Today started off with an early morning motor from Great Harbor on Peter Island to the dive site of the sunken RMS Rhone. I, along with the other Vegas, were all especially excited to dive since it would be our first dive as certified open water divers. The RMS Rhone sunk in 1867. Also, DMs Maddy and Brandon led our two groups on the dive. During the dive, we saw many fish, coral varieties and two sea turtles. Madeline also pointed out an octopus and an eel chilling under a rock to the rest of us. Next the four DMs continued leading other groups on the dives and the rest of us went to Lady A to all take and pass our crew certification theory exams. After enjoying a long awaited lunch of ramen noodles, we dinghied to nearby Salt Island where we saw some salt ponds. Then we walked up to the peak of the island and were met with amazing 360 views of the surrounding water and islands. Later we rejoined with the rest of our crew at our home bot and had fun with the boom swing and shower time. Coming up today still is breakfast for dinner and a movie night.