Location: Port Gustavia, St Barths

As usual, the Frenchie boat woke up to their sponge bob wake-up song. Today was our second day at Saint Barth’s, and it was so amazing. We enjoyed a yummy breakfast of oatmeal and fruit and began our surfing adventure. We split into two groups of 10, including the crew from Different Drummer. Group 1 consisted of Zoë, Carson, Adnan, Z, and Claire, along with the first half of Different Drummer. Group 2 had Jack, Dasha, Sloane, Derrick, Peter, and the rest of DD. Group 1 went surfing first and then went to Jojo Burger for lunch. While they were eating lunch, group 2 went surfing. After, Zoë, Claire, z, and two different drummers” crew mates(Roman and Evan) went to the bakery and got lots of things. Claire and Zoë ordered in French at every place they went. After, we all took taxis back to Gustavia to have a few more hours of shore time and shopping. A different drummer was docked, so we all headed back to their boat and got take-out pizza. Jack had twelve pieces of pizza to try and win a bet, but he lost because he hadn’t finished the last two pieces. We then did Squeeze and, after, went out to get ice cream. After our long day, Matty P drove us back to the boat, and we all took ocean showers and swam with all the tarpons and barracudas. We were all off to bed early to prepare for sailing Tomorrow.