Location: West End, Tortola

Today was the last full day of ActionQuest, which included 2 hours of racing, an incredibly long boat cleanup, and a barbecue. We woke up early this morning and prepared oatmeal for breakfast. I went to the skipah meeting and earned our race course. After I got back to the boat after the skipah meeting, we worked together to assign jobs. We decided for Sadie to helm. Our crew consisted of one person on the jib sheet (Henry) and two on the main sheet (me plus George). During the race, there was a food fight between our boat and Go Beyond, which resulted in our boat being soaked in egg yolk. Then, later in the race, we got into a second food fight with Shamwari, which resulted in our boat being soaked in all different kinds of vegetables. Phillipe had a very good aim during this food fight and helped. Aidan used his food slingshot. Maddie got hit in the leg with an onion during this fight, and our canopy was badly stained. Bodi tried to catch an egg, but it ended up splattering everywhere. On the way back to our boat, Juliet chose some incredible music, and it was refreshing because of the Samba song playing on repeat for hours (Zoe and Aidan’s favorite song). Once we got on shore, Natalia and Bodi helped clean our salon and galley, which included our newly egg-soaked windows. Meanwhile, up on deck, Sloan, Jack, and Stella all helped scrape away the eggs on our boat. After this, we went to the Barbeque and had a great time listening to Mike’s speech.