Location: Mountain Point, Virgin Gorda
Today we woke up tired after the party last night because we stayed up late hanging out together. We first went off on a dinghy to watch a reef conservation video, however, we finished early and watched a movie. After we moved on to what was truly exciting- Pico sailing. Everyone gathered together in groups of two so that we could sail. All of the groups had fun but I think mine had the best time. I was in a group with Simon, and we started off rough but the two of us were able to work together. As soon as we were feeling good about ourselves, we turned and capsized. Through ten minutes of constant laughter, we were able to right our selves. After that, we immediately capsized again. Even though it was a lot of work, it was my favorite part of the day. After the Pico, we went sailing in small groups in tiny boats. We then went sailing and had a dance competition between sail side B. We finished the day with Mexican food and some hilarious conversations. After a long day, I am looking forward to a good nights rest.