Location: Savanna Bay, Virgin Gorda
Another early wake up at 6:00 to start the day. The dinghies were loaded with all the supplies we needed to help out the Valley Day school. As we approached the Spanish Town dock, we unloaded the supplies and packed them into Julies truck. After the truck was loaded we also hopped in and set way to Valley Day school. As we approached the school we met all the students of Valley Day and unloaded all of our supplies to start a long day of raking and cutting down trees/bushes. Some of us went inside the school to paint, while others stayed outside and cut away. After a couple hours of cutting we were given Roti (a delicious homemade tortilla with curry chicken). As we finished up eating we then went back to work. 3 o’clock came around and we were finally finished. Hot, sweaty, and happy we packed the supplies back into the truck and walked back to the dinghies. When we got back to the boat we were told that we could go to the beach for the first time, which made us extremely excited. As we got to the beach we snorkeled (saw an octopus) and also had a fun game of ultimate frisbee. We then made our way back to the boat to wash up and eat dinner. After dinner we then cleaned up and finally went to bed after a long day.
P.S: Hey mom :))))