Location: Great Harbor, Peter Island

What an eventful day; and a very memorable one at that. We had our very first race day! We woke up bright and early and filled our body with a nutritious breakfast of oatmeal, yogurt and cereal. Shortly afterwards, I had a skipper’s meeting. At the skipper’s meeting, we discussed where we would start and end the race and how we would start the race. We all started in a line with our mainsails hoisted. Jake counted down the start over the VHF and as soon as he said go, we started unfurling our jib. We were all cheering and hyped up about the first race. We had started out very strong and held a steady lead. We had our very own race day music playlist and we were all smiles! We even made up our own cheer. It goes like this: “I say Bella, you say Vita” Bella-Vita: Bella-Vita, and we would all cheer super loud. We started to near the finish line and we had a catamaran and another monohull closing in. With our positive energy, loud cheering, and happy vibes we won the first race! It was very exciting! We were all thrilled! Our race started at Sandy Spit and ended at Soper’s Hole in West End. We arrived in West End and docked. Once again, we were out of water, so we needed more. We ate lunch in West End and had some shore time. The fun wasn’t over yet!! We had another race!! I had a second skipper’s meeting and discussed the second race. This race would be more challenging than the first because we had to tack upwind, rather than sail on a beam reach the whole time like we did the first race. We had a good start and were yet again full of energy and super stoked for another race. We held a pretty good position the whole race; working together as a team, we completed multiple very nice tacks. Working well together was a prime factor for our racing success. We placed second in the second race, right behind a catamaran. We were the first monohull. Our wonderful day was closing up with a very yummy dinner of tacos! Mexican Night is definitely Bella Vita’s favorite dinner! We are starting dinner clean up soon so we can get ready for our 5th and final sail chat. It’s an understatement to say we had such a fun exciting day. It was truly fantastic. So excited for tomorrow, not sure if it can beat today though! 🙂