Location: Vixen Point, Gorda Sound
We began our morning with French toast and cantaloupe prepared by Maddie and Henry and than got the amazing opportunity to do some scuba diving! I did not dive with the rest of the group, but from what I heard, it was a scenic and riveting adventure. After scuba diving, we had mac and cheese and got ready to do some community service work with GoBeyond. George, Townes, Henry, Stella, and Philippe carried most of the weight during this while the rest of us chilled in the water halfway through. We picked trash up off a beach and had some notable finds like a mini fridge and a cooler. Afterward, we had some time to shower before we got our phones back for an hour to call our parents and friends. During our phone time, we got ready for our first barbecue! There was lots of delicious food and a DJ with occasionally questionable music taste, but nonetheless, it was very exciting. We all had a bunch of fun dancing, meeting new people, and making new friends. We wrapped up at about 10:20, and before we left, I took a quick dip in the water to retrieve my friend’s flip-flop that she had dropped. We got a dinghy ride back to our boat, got cozy in bed, and ended our day.
(P.S. Below are some pictures from the previous day’s boat Olympics)