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British Virgin Islands - 2022, Session 3

Here Comes the Fun!!!

Location: West End, Tortola

Here comes the sun! And with it comes the Yo Dawg team, who are all very excited to welcome everyone on board for what’s promising to be a fantastic few weeks of sailing and diving around the British Virgin Islands.

We have been prepping the boat over the past few days; the holds are bursting with food, the dive equipment is ready to go, and we are so excited to get underway!

Let us introduce ourselves:

Elle: Skipper/Dive Instructor/Medic
Elle first joined the Action Quest team in 2017 as a dive instructor. Since then, she has also gained her RYA Yachtmaster Offshore and Medical Person in Charge certificate. She has been fortunate enough to teach diving in some amazing places such as the Caribbean, Mauritius, Australia, and South Africa. Elle is a PADI Master Scuba Diver Trainer with eight instructor specialty qualifications. Elle joined the GXG team full-time in 2020, working for Seamester, teaching sailing and diving on both Argo and Vela. This will be Elle’s 4th summer with AQ, and she can't wait to share her passion for diving and sailing with new people this summer. When not under the water, Elle enjoys long walks with her dogs, playing tennis, and taking ballet classes, having studied it since a young age.

Sam: Marine Scientist/Dive Instructor
Sam has loved the ocean for as long as she can remember. Though originally from Austin, Texas, she moved to coastal San Diego, California, when she was 18, and there obtained her bachelor’s degree in Marine Science. While in college, Sam started teaching marine science at summer camps and after-school programs, where she realized her passion for experiential education. She then led international summer programs for teens that focus on adventure, leadership, and community building. Sam also discovered her love of scuba-diving throughout this time and became a PADI Divemaster. An avid lover of adventure and exploration, she has lived or worked in Thailand, Mexico, Fiji, The Galapagos, Peru, and Germany. Most recently, she completed her master’s degree in Marine Tropical Ecology, focusing on small-scale fishery resilience in the face of climate change. Usually a program manager, marine science instructor, and dive instructor on our Sea|mester programs, Sam is very excited to be a part of the ActionQuest team and share her passion for experiential education and the marine world with all on board.

Ri: Dive Instructor
Ri grew up in a few African countries – Uganda, Cameroon, Tanzania, and South Africa. After graduating from the University of Johannesburg and completing his articles in Chartered Accounting, Ri decided it was time to pursue his passion for diving and met his PADI OWSI certification requirements on Gili Trawangan and spent the next three years teaching diving in Indonesia and Thailand. During this time, he continued to expand his diving knowledge and training. He is currently a PADI IDC Staff Instructor and can teach several specialties, including Wreck, Project Aware: Shark Conservation, Sidemount, Enriched Air, and Drift diving. Ri can be found climbing, running, training in BJJ, or settling down with a good book when he's not diving.