Staff Update Day 1
Location: West End, Tortola
Last night one of our twelve students has arrived and we’re only hours away from welcoming the next group aboard Squeakybrat! With only two days to turn everything around, all Action Quest staff has been hard at work re-stocking and servicing our vessels in preparation of the exhilarating weeks ahead .Over the course of the next three weeks, Hannah and I are hoping to IYT certify our shipmates with International Competent Crew certificates that can open new doorways into the yachting industry or simply provide better access to pleasurable experiences on board charter vessels. The three staff onboard are all well versed in the various aspects of sailing and yachting on account of our proximity to the maritime lifestyle. But of course, sailing is only half the program! Our onboard SCUBA instructor Jamie plans to PADI open water certify our shipmates and open their eyes to the wonders of marine life. Courses aside, our goal as staff is to provide a fun, supportive and safe environment that gives our students the opportunity to discover their ability to learn and overcome challenges. We hope the build these surroundings not only from our daily activities such as water skiing, dinghy sailing, snorkeling, hiking, but with responsibility and team building the next 3 weeks will be fruitful ones for all those living aboard Squeaky Brat and ActionQuest vessels in general. We’re really looking forward to meeting our students soon and having an incredible time over the upcoming weeks.
David: Skipper/Medic
David grew up on California coasts, and when he wasn't invested in his schooling; he was either involved in an aquatic summer programs or traveling around the Middle East, Europe and Central America. Forever indebted to his parents, David was fortunate enough to begin dinghy sailing at the age of 8, scuba diving at 13, and various other aquatic sports in the times in-between. In 2013 David’s life dramatically shifted after Sea|Mester when his eyes were opened to the vast world of yachting. Thanks to his incredible experiences on board S/Y Argo, David dedicated his free time to receiving his certificate as a Master of Yachts 200gross ton Offshore through the Royal Yachting Association and used this license to work in the BVI as well as the Adriatic and other parts of the Mediterranean. Continually, since working at AQ, David spent a few weeks in his home-area of Northern California to complete his NOLS Wilderness First Responder. He's very excited to be returning for his second year and prepared to have a summer even better than the last.
Jamie: Dive Instructor/Medic/Mate
Jamie grew up in Fort Collins, CO, but now pursues a degree in Marine Science from Eckerd College, as well as being a part of the schools pre-health program. She is a member of the Eckerd College Sailing Team, as well as being a part of Eckerd College EMS team. Jamie is a dive instructor and EMT, with this being her third year working for ActionQuest. Apart from sailing, diving and utilizing her EMT training, Jamie enjoys hiking, snowboarding and trying to perfect her dessert baking skills.
Hannah: Divemaster/Mate
Hannah grew up just outside of Toronto, Canada on Lake Ontario. Hannah's first year at ActionQuest was in the summer of 2012 where she participated in the Quest program as a shipmate and was where she fell in love with the ocean. Hannah has been a shipmate for 5years completing all diving certifications up to the professional Dive Master certification. she is excited to be continuing with ActionQuest as a staff member this summer. Hannah will be attending the University of British Colombia located in Vancouver in the fall for an oceanography and biology double major under the faculty of science.