Operational Director and EMT

Anna grew up in landlocked Western Massachusetts and discovered her love for the sea when she became an ActionQuest student at age 16. After two summers as a shipmate and a year of high school aboard S/Y Ocean Star, she joined the ActionQuest staff in 2000. In college at the University of Vermont Anna volunteered as an EMT on a local ambulance while earning degrees in psychology and sociology. Since graduating in 2004 she has worked on tall ships, at a kid’s toy store, and at several desk jobs, but always finds herself returning each summer to the BVI to manage one of the ActionQuest fleets, as well as the trip update system, medical team, ship’s stores, and provisioning. During the summer you are most likely to find her behind the camera or scribbling on index cards, but always while wearing her PFD! During the rest of the year, Anna lives in Washington, DC, where she spends her free time planning adventure walks with her friend’s dogs and long runs along the river.

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