Location: Sommer's Beach, Tortola
As I listen to the sounds of my fellow shipmates being woken by our staff, I manage to roll myself out of bed and down the stairs to my cabin to change my clothes for the day. Once I step out of the tiny room that belongs to me, I head back up into the cockpit to wait for breakfast, which consists of delicious eggs! We rush through cleanup and are thrown into rotations, which start off with wakeboarding with my shipmates. Next I am taken over to a dive site with Zach and we are taken on a dive down the sand highway. We came back for lunch and then were immersed in the wonderful activity of knots! Once bracelets were tied we waited for the next rotation, which consisted of a test about coral reefs. As my stomach begins to rumble, I am brought down to the navigation desk where I write the blog and listen to the radio calls about the upcoming beach BBQ!