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British Virgin Islands - 2015, Session 3

Sambamba Staff Update Day One

Location: West End, Tortola

The crew of Sambamba is so excited and ready for our students to arrive! The boat is stocked with fresh food and water, the beds have been made, and now we are just waiting for the 11 shipmates who will make up Sambamba's third session crew! This session, we will have 11 students from three different countries, living, working, and learning together as we circumnavigate Tortola. Ruth, Cha Cha, and I can't wait to welcome our shipmates to the beautiful West End and introduce them to life onboard. It's going to be an amazing summer, and no one is more excited than the staff of Sambamba! :)
Here's an introduction to the crew of Sambamba:
Ruth: skipper
Ruth grew up in Chester, England, and studied for a Masters in Mechanical Engineering at Imperial College, London. She began her career working as an engineer offshore in Africa, Europe, and the Middle East, where she found her passion for a life of adventure out at sea. After three years, Ruth decided to pursue her dream of becoming a Captain and gained her MCA Yachtmaster and PADI Divemaster certification. When not sailing or diving, Ruth spends her time on the water surfing and kite-surfing or in the mountains snowboarding. She has traveled all over the world and hopes to one day sail around it too.
Kelly: dive instructor/mate
Kelly grew up in St. Louis, Missouri and began scuba diving while attending the University of Arkansas. She sailed with Sea|Mester on Argo in the Fall of 2012 and completed her IYT Master of Yachts 200 ton, PADI Open Water Scuba Instructor, and a B.A in Communications. Kelly works on the admissions team for Global Expeditions Group full time in the Sarasota office. She is so excited to meet her shipmates and teach scuba diving this summer!
Chance ("Cha cha"): dive instructor/mate
Chance was born and raised in Orlando, Florida, and is currently finishing his degree in biology at Rollins College in Winter Park, Florida, where he is the captain of the varsity sailing team. Having discovered scuba diving at the young age of 10, the underwater world opened the door to a very adventurous lifestyle and an incredibly outgoing personality. Having found ActionQuest by accident turned out to be a stroke of luck, and after participating in multiple sessions in the British Virgin Islands as well as crossing an ocean onboard their college vessel S/Y Argo, Chance will be joining the ActionQuest team as a dive instructor in order to give back to a program that changed his life.